Relationship of leaf physiognomies of four broad-leaved plant species with their potential for particle seizing from the roadsides of Quetta city

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Relationship of leaf physiognomies of four broad-leaved plant species with their potential for particle seizing from the roadsides of Quetta city

Qadir Shah, Saadullah Khan Leghari, Shamim Gul, Shazia Saeed, Palwasha Amanullah, Muhammad Anwar Panezai, Iqbal Khattak
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 12-22, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


In this study, the influence of leaf surface features of different native plant species on dust particle capture from the road side of Quetta city. The topography of leaf surfaces influences their ability for dust particle capture. Particulate matter capturing capacity of a given plant species, dust in and outside the plant shelter at ground level was collected by using standard formulas and statistical analysis was done by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results demonstrated that per unit area of the leaf, total   suspended particles (TSP) captured by the broad-leaved tree were in the order of Vitis vinifera (grape) > Helianthus annuus (sunflower) > Morus alba (white mulberry) > Prunus armeniaca (apricot). There was significant season-wise variation in particulate matter-capturing capacities of leaves, with higher capturing capacities in spring and summer seasons and lower in the autumn season. Leaf surface micro-roughness had a significant positive correlation with the particle-density settled on surfaces of leaves. However, the main factors that affected leaf adsorptive capacity were the number of stomata, the thickness of epi-cuticular wax and the surface morphology of the cuticle over time. The flow of traffic had also a positive correlation with dust fall on leaf surfaces. So the research conclude that leaf surface topography of all study plant species showed a significant correlation with the density of PM on leaf surface throughout the study period.


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