Relationships between body weight and egg characteristics for konde chicken ecotype in Burkina Faso Sahel and Centre-east regions

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Research Paper 06/02/2024
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Relationships between body weight and egg characteristics for konde chicken ecotype in Burkina Faso Sahel and Centre-east regions

Zare Yacouba, Gnanda B. Isidore, Traore Boureima, Kere Michel, Houaga Isidore, Rekaya Romdhane, Nianogo A. Joseph, Belem A. M. Gaston
Int. J. Biosci.24( 2), 40-50, February 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


In order to set up a selection program for population of local animal based on their production, it is first necessary to gather appropriate documentation on their production and breeding performance. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between live weight and various egg quality traits for the local hen’s ecotype in the Sahel and Centre-East (hen ecotype Konde) regions in Burkina Faso. Length, width, weight and external quality characteristics (shape and color) were assessed on a total of 240 eggs. Sixty-five and fifty-five hens, each producing two eggs were used in the Sahel the Centre-East regions, respectively. Candling and densitometry techniques were used to detect fresh eggs. Egg internal quantitative and qualitative characteristics of internal egg quality were assessed by measuring yolk weight, albumin weight and yolk/white pH. The average egg weight ( 41, 89 ±3.98 vs. 32.67 ±3.22 g), shape index (75 ±0.04 vs. 72 ±0.014 %), egg length (47.87 ±2.4 vs. 46.16 ±2.64 mm), egg width (35.69 ±1.41 vs. 33.27 ±1.38 mm), white weight (21, 45 ± 1.71 vs. 14.23 ± 2.24 g), yolk weight (14.70 vs. 12.12 ± 3.22 g) and yolk dry matter percentage (49 ± 3 vs. 40 ± 8%) were significantly higher in eggs collected in the Centre-East Region (hen ecotype Konde), while white dry matter, yolk weight and respective yolk and white pH were similar across the two regions. Correlations between egg p weight (0.43), width (0.36) and length (0.46) were significant and low in Sahelian hens. However, the correlation (0.16) was not significant between egg weight and live weight in Konde ecotype. Correlation coefficients were slightly higher, in the Centre-East region, between egg weight and width (0.87), and egg length (0.66) in the Konde hen ecotype than in the Sahel one (0.84 and 0.61 respectively). Chicken ecotype Konde showed the highest correlations between yolk weight and egg width, length and weight, in contrast to Sahel hens. Yolk dry matter weight was negatively and significantly correlated with form index, egg width and egg weight in hen ecotype Konde, but was weakly, negatively and not significantly correlated with egg length.


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