Relative performance of different colored sticky traps against Thrips tabaci L. in onion

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Research Paper 01/09/2020
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Relative performance of different colored sticky traps against Thrips tabaci L. in onion

Sajjad Hussain Rind, Arfan Ahmed Gilal, Lubna Bashir, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani, Ghulam Murtaza Channa
Int. J. Biosci.17( 3), 134-140, September 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Thrips tabaci (Lind.) is one of the most important insect pests which damage all stages of onions. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the influence of various colored sticky traps to attract T. tabaci. Onion variety Phulkara was used in the study. Five colored sticky traps i.e., blue, green, yellow, white and transparent were used in the study. Observations were taken from both sticky traps and onion plants weekly from transplanting till harvesting. The experiment was arranged in an RCBD design with four replications. Results showed that the blue sticky trap was significantly more effective in attracting T. tabaci (39.49±1.60 thrips/sticky trap), followed by yellow sticky traps (32.66±1.27 thrips/sticky trap). Green, white and transparent were found less attractive for T. tabaci with the mean attraction of 15.37±0.75, 8.27±0.47 and 3.20±0.19 thrips/sticky trap, respectively. Thrips tabaci population on onions plants were significantly higher (24.621±1.080 thrips/plant) on transparent sticky trap treatment, followed by white (22.92±0.930 thrips/plant) and green (21.951±0.94 thrips/plant) sticky trap treatments. The lowest number of T. tabaci population on onion plants were recorded on the blue sticky trap (19.369±0.99 thrips/plant) treatment. Considering the maximum attraction of thrips to blue sticky traps, thus lowering its population on onion plants, the highest onion yield was recorded in blue trap treatment (80.33+1.73 mds/acre), whereas, the lowest yield was recorded in transparent sticky trap treatment (64.67+2.00 mds/acre). Therefore, it is suggested that blue sticky traps should be considered for better monitoring and integrated management of T. tabaci.

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