Removal of Pb (II) and Ni (II) Ions from aqueous solution by Sea Snail Shells

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Removal of Pb (II) and Ni (II) Ions from aqueous solution by Sea Snail Shells

Janaen Y. Al-Saeedi, Manal M. Akbar, Imad Hadi Al-Qarooni
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 3), 17-23, March 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Studies on the removal of lead (II) and nickel (II) ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption on the surface shells of Hexaplex kuesterianus have been carried out with an aim to obtain information on treating effluents containing these types of heavy metals. Factors influencing the adsorption of Pb (II) and nickel (II) ions from aqueous solution have been investigated by following a batch adsorption technique at 30 ± 1oC. The optimum results were found to be at 0.5g, 600µm, 60min and 7 pH. The study also showed that snail shells can be used efficiently as an affordable adsorbent to remove heavy metal ions.


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