Removal of pb in acid coal mine drainage using water hyacint (Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms)

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Removal of pb in acid coal mine drainage using water hyacint (Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms)

Rahmat Yunus
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 9-18, December 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


An open-cut coal mining produces acid mine drainage (AMD). AMD has a pH <4 and contains Pb with concentrations exceeding the threshold allowed by the government. Several chemical methods have been done to reduce metals and neutralize pH. including the addition of lime industry. This method has weaknesses, which are expensive and produce inorganic sludge. This research was conducted by utilizing water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) and local limestone. The goal is to know the growth and accumulation ability of water hyacinth in reducing Pb. Since the water hyacinth cannot grow at pH <4, it was previously treated with limestone to pH> 4. In the addition of limestone, the pH of AMD changes from 3.0 to 4.01; 4.36; 4.87. Furthermore, each planted with the same amount of water hyacinth for 21 days. The pH measurement results were obtained to 5.32; 5.95, 6.85. This condition gives the growth of water hyacintre (RG) is better and higher at pH 5.91. The result of Pb accumulation analysis with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) was obtained at part root+shoots of 1048,51 mg/kg dry weight with Bioconcentration factor (BCF) 102,89. In part leaves+stalk obtained 196.25 mg/kg dry weight with BCF 19.24. Thus water hyacinth can be utilized in the processing of AMD to reduce Pb and neutralize pH. The growth of water hyacinth is not only influenced by pH but also the accumulation rate of Pb, so it must be harvested periodically.

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