Reproductive biology and seed germination of tropical evergreen tree Canarium strictum Roxb.

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Reproductive biology and seed germination of tropical evergreen tree Canarium strictum Roxb.

Antonysamy Kala, Prakasam Raja, Sebastin Soosairaj, Balakrishnan Balaguru
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 24-32, December 2014.
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Canarium strictum Roxb. (Burseraceae) an evergreen tree was studied for its phenology, flower morphology, pollen viability, stigma receptivity, seed setting and seed germination. This species has got meager population and restricted distributed in the Kolli, Pacchamalai, Karanadamalai and Sirumalai hills of Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu, India. Though there is enormous number of pollens (946/anther) produced and all of them are viable in X-gal test, their germination is very poor (12.5% only). Among the various methods evaluated for seed germination, osmopriming with Potassium dihydrogen phosphate proved to be efficient in breaking the dormancy (69.3 %) followed by GA3 treatment (56 %) suggestive of possible sowing methods in the forest to enhance the population of this vulnerable species.

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