Response of a maize or dry bean intercrop to maize density and dry bean arrangement under rainfed conditions

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Response of a maize or dry bean intercrop to maize density and dry bean arrangement under rainfed conditions

T. Ramagoshi Nthabiseng, K. Mariga Irvine, P. Mabapa Moshibudi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 6), 18-29, June 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment was conducted under dryland conditions at the University of Limpopo experimental farm, Syferkuil, in Capricorn district in 2009/10 and 2010/11 growing seasons to determine the effect of maize density and dry bean arrangement on performance of a maize/bean intercrop. The trial was a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement consisting of ten treatments: three maize densities (18500, 24700 and 37000 plants/ha), and two dry bean arrangements (single and double row arrangement). Sole treatments were added to enable comparison of the performance of sole crops and intercrops. Maize density of 18500 plant/ha achieved significantly (P<0.05) lower maize yield than 24700 and 37000 plants/ha in both seasons. Intercropping with double rows of dry bean resulted in higher maize yield in both seasons. The Combination of 37000 plants/ha with double arrangement achieved highest maize yield in both seasons. Maize density of 24700 plants/ha produced higher dry bean yield than 18500 and 37000 plants/ha. The double row bean arrangement resulted in higher dry bean grain yield in both seasons. The combination of 24700 plants/ha and double row arrangement attained the highest dry bean yield in both seasons. Intercropping achieved LER values greater that one. Maize density of 37000 plants/ha with double row of dry bean gave the highest LER value of 1.76 in 2009/10 season while in 2010/11 maize density of 18500 plants/ha with double row of dry bean arrangement achieved the highest LER value of 1.92. Maize/bean combination of 37000 plants/ha maize with double row arrangement of dry bean is recommended.


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