Response of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) to micronutrients under problematic soil conditions

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Research Paper 08/02/2025
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Response of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) to micronutrients under problematic soil conditions

B.M. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Hanjala Pipil, Tasrin Jahan, Md. Nurul Alam, Sidratul Montaha, Israt Jahan Annee, Md. Masudur Rahman
Int. J. Biosci.26( 2), 149-157, February 2025.
Certificate: IJB 2025 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment was conducted in Shampur, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, to assess the effects of different micronutrient treatments on cabbage (cv. Atlas 70) under calcareous soil conditions (AEZ 11: High Ganges River Floodplain). The medium-fertile silty loam soil had a pH of 7.6. The experiment followed a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, using eleven micronutrient treatments: T1 (control), T2 (Zn), T3 (B), T4 (Zn+B), T5 (Zn+B+Mo), T6 (Zn+B+Mn), T7 (Zn+B+Cu), T8 (Zn+B+Cl), T9 (Zn+B+Mo+Mn), T10 (Zn+B+Mo+Mn+Cu), and T11 (Zn+B+Mo+Mn+Cu+Cl). Micronutrient doses (kg/ha) were Zn-B-Mo-Mn-Cu-Cl = 3-3-0.5-4-1-20, with N-P-K-S at 150-100-50-20 kg/ha as the basal dose. Data collected at 30, 45, and 60 days post-transplant showed significant effects of micronutrients on growth and yield. The highest plant height (34.89 cm), leaves per plant (21.56), and largest leaf length (36.12 cm) were in T9 (Zn+B+Mo+Mn), while T7 (Zn+B+Cu) had the highest plant spread (66.07 cm) and leaf breadth (24.52 cm). The longest stem (7.04 cm) was in T6 (Zn+B+Mn). Except for days to head formation (54.75 in T2), T4 (Zn+B) showed the highest fresh plant weight (1880 g), head diameter (19.50 cm), marketable head weight (1305 g), and yield (48.33 t/ha), which was 61.89% higher than the control (29.81 t/ha).

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