Response of chickpea genotypes against Ascochyta blight disease

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Response of chickpea genotypes against Ascochyta blight disease

Abdul Ghaffar, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Irshad, Muneer Abbas, Mudassar Kahliq, Zubeda Parveen, Khalid Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 14-19, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Blight is the becoming the serious threat in changing climate. To improve the per capita income and to overcome the production losses the evaluation of the blight resistant genotypes is the major herder for the breeders. To overcome this problem study was conducted to develop the Ascochyta blight resistant genotype. Evaluation of chickpea genotypes against blight (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass) Lab) is an effective method to check the level of resistance and susceptibility. In this study, 40 chickpea genotypes/varieties were screened out by the artificial inoculation at the research area of Arid Zone Research Institute, Bhakkar. Out of 40 genotypes, 8, 20, 2, 6, 4 were classified as highly susceptible, susceptible, moderately susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant respectively. Six entries (TG1401, CM54/05, TG1411, TG1413, CH888/06 and D088-11) exhibited moderately resistant behavior against Ascochyta blight. Four entries (09AG006, D08025, CH16/06 and D072-09) classified as resistant genotypes.


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