Response of Moluccan Sau (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) I.C Nielsen) seedlings applied with biofertilizers and watering frequencies

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Research Paper 07/04/2023
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Response of Moluccan Sau (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) I.C Nielsen) seedlings applied with biofertilizers and watering frequencies


The growth of Moluccan sau seedlings applied with biofertilizers and watering frequencies was evaluated in this study. Relative to the effect of biofertilizers, nonfertilized/control seedlings recorded the greatest number of root nodules & highest survival percentage; Bio-N recorded the greatest number of compound leaves, heaviest root & shoot dry weight, highest sturdiness quotient & seedling quality index; Mykoplus recorded the tallest height, largest diameter, & greatest number of compound leaves; and Mykovam recorded the highest root-shoot ratio. Relative to the effect of watering frequencies, daily watering recorded the tallest height, greatest number of compound leaves & root nodules, heaviest root & shoot dry weights, and highest seedling quality index; every other day watering recorded the tallest height, largest diameter, highest sturdiness quotient & survival percentage; and every three days watering recorded the highest root-shoot ratio. Significant difference of results was observed relative to watering frequencies, but not to biofertilizer application. Moreover, majority of the growth parameters of Moluccan sau seedlings exhibits significant relationship among others. Thus, it is relevant to consider the application of biofertilizers like Bio-N, Mykoplus, etc., as well as appropriate watering frequency for favorable growth of the plants.

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