Response of tomato wild species, landraces and commercial cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica infection as revealed by molecular and conventional approaches

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Response of tomato wild species, landraces and commercial cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica infection as revealed by molecular and conventional approaches

Shalaleh Moslehi, Gholamreza Niknam, SeyedAbolghasemMohammadi, Maghsoud Pazhouhandeh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 6), 80-89, December 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In present study, response of some commercial cultivars, landraces andwild species of tomato were evaluated against Meloidogynejavanica.Furthermore, presence of Mi-1 alleles in the plant materials was traced using PMiF3/PMiR3, Mi23F/Mi23R and REXF1/REXR2 primer pairs. In greenhouse experiments, seven genotypes (ES1002, Super Beita, Ant 93-04, Samrudhi, Nun 6108, Pascal and Solanumperuvianum[LA0111])were less affectedby the nematode while the rest figured more susceptible. Using PMiF3/PMiR3 primer pair, two fragments of 350 and 550bp were amplified in the seven genotypes, whereas in the remaining genotypes only the allele of 350 bp was generated. Based on Mi23F/Mi23R primer pair, the seven genotypes were found heterozygote for 380bp and 430bp fragments and the others showed only a single allele of 430 bp. In all the genotypes except Super Strain B when were treated with REXF1/REXR2 primer pair, a 750bp fragment was realized. Digestion of the amplified fragments with TaqI restriction enzyme resulted in the appearance of 550bp and 150bp fragments in nine cultivars, the fore mentioned seven genotypes plus a landrace (Laleh) and Solanumhabrochaites (LA1223). It can be concluded that the Mi23 and PMi3 markers are more reliable for separating the resistant genotypes from susceptible ones.


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