Response of turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract on the growth performance and sensory evaluation of broilers

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Research Paper 07/01/2024
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Response of turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract on the growth performance and sensory evaluation of broilers

Medelyn A. Aglipay, Cynthia M. Rodriguez, Lydia P. Libunao, Pepito V. Hufalar, Eufemio O. Sagun
Int. J. Biosci.24( 1), 125-131, January 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The widespread concern about the consumption of healthy foods from animal and plant sources directed research efforts on the utilization of herbal plants for animal feeding. The study aimed to determine the growth performance of broilers supplemented with turmeric extract at different levels as a supplement to drinking water. Two-hundred forty-head day-old chicks were distributed in five treatments replicated six times following the Randomized Complete Block Design. The different treatments were: T0 – 2.5 ml of electrolytes per liter of water (Control); T1 – 2.5 ml turmeric extract per liter of water; T2 – 5 ml of turmeric extract per liter of water; T3 – 7.5 ml of turmeric extract per liter of water and T4 – 10 ml turmeric extract per liter of water in 35 days. The study showed that turmeric extract significantly reduced feed consumption and lower percent fat however, comparable performance was noted on the final weight, gain in weight, and feed conversion ratio.


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