Response of two functional corn varieties to various NPK fertilizer doses

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Response of two functional corn varieties to various NPK fertilizer doses

M. D. Djuniarty, A. Abd. Rahman Syafar, Syamsul Rahman, Edy Kurniawan
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 6), 32-42, December 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Functional corn is a special corn that has distinctive properties, namely containing higher nutrients than other corn. One of the things that affect the quality of corn is fertilization in the growth phase. This study aims to determine the most appropriate fertilizer dosage for 2 functional corn varieties. The research was carried out in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research lasted for three months, starting from December 2023 to March 2024. This study was prepared using a separate plot design with 3 replicates consisting of 2 main plot treatment levels, namely glutinous corn and purple corn and the treatment of plot children, namely fertilizer doses: 100 kg, 200 kg and 300 kg. The results showed that the purple corn variety gave a better response to the parameters of plant height observation at the 4th week 54.8 cm, the number of leaves at the 4th week 8.5 pieces, the male flowering age was 45.0 DAP and the female flowering age was 47.5 DAP. Meanwhile, the NPK fertilizer dose of 300 kg/ha gave a better response to the parameters of the number of leaves in the 8th week of 12.9 cm, the weight of the cob with the cob was 98.4 grams and the weight of the cob without the cob was 84.0 grams. There was also an interaction between purple corn with a dose of NPK fertilizer of 300kg/ha on the parameters of cob weight per hectare of 5.58 tons/ha and dry seed weight per hectare of 4.24 tons/ha.

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