Response of various brassica cultivars to yield under agro-ecological condition of Quetta

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Response of various brassica cultivars to yield under agro-ecological condition of Quetta

Nanak Khan, Naqeeb Ullah, Muhammad Ashraf, Shafique Ahmad, Muhammad Kashif, Hameed Ur Rehman
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 53-69, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out 2013-2014 under the agro-ecological condition of Quetta in order to evaluate the yield response of four Brassica cultivars viz sultan Raya, Bard-1, Dunkled and cont-II . Tested Brassica cultivars were sown on 6th march 2014 at experimental area of Agriculture research institute (ARI), Quetta by maintaining same plot size (5.0 m long and 3m wide), seed rate (60 kg hac-1) and fertilizer dose (90 kg N hac-1and 60 kg P hac-1). The experiment was laid as Randomizes complete block Design(RCBD) replicated thrice. Result showed that maximum plant height of 123.00 cm was recorded in Bard-1 followed by 121.33 cm in Sultan Raya and minimum was 98.67 cm in Dunkled. Similarly, maximum but non-significant No of pods plant-1 of 293.67 and 285.67 were recorded in con-II and dunkled and minimum was 248 in Sultan Raya followed by 264 in Bard-I. Number of pods plant1 were positively and significantly correlated with seed index, grain yield and harvest index with coefficient of determination (R2) of 74, 79, and 74% respectively. While in case of number of seeds pod-1seed index, grain yield and harvest index, their mean maximum value of 24 seeds pod-1, 4.47g, 2791.00 kg hac-1 and 15.67 % were found in Con-II followed by Dunkled and minimum of 16.00 seeds pod-1 , 3.33g 1742.00 kg hac-1 and 8.54 % were present Sultan Raya and Bard-I. Among them, the canola type cultivars i-e. Dunkled and con-II performed better than Sultan Raya and Bard-I. Whereas, the maximum Biological yield of 21380 kg hac-1 and minimum was 17771 kg hac-1 in con-II. The positive and significant correlation was found among the yield components which showed that the high yield of Dunkled followed by con-II can be grown successfully in Quetta valley and it can further be evaluated for other locations in Balochistan.


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