Responses of morphological characteristic and grain yield of maize cultivars to water stress at reproductive stage

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Research Paper 01/05/2013
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Responses of morphological characteristic and grain yield of maize cultivars to water stress at reproductive stage

Hossien Khoshvaghti, Mohammad Eskandari-Kordlar, Ramin Lotfi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 5), 20-24, May 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to evaluate some morphological and grain yield of maize cultivars (S704, BC678 and H500) under water stress at grain filling stage (no stress and stress), a factorial experiment (using RCB design) with three replicates was conducted in 2012 at Research Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Payame Noor (PNU) university, East Azerbaijan, Iran. Results indicated plant height, cob leaf area, tassel weight and thereby grain yield per ha were decreased under water limitation at grain filling stage. As water stress occurred in reproductive stage leaf number per plant, stem diameter and cob diameter were not significant. As, stem diameter during water stress was not declined, this indicates that remobilization of assimilate was not occurred in this condition. S704 was superior cultivar in plant height, stem diameter, cob leaf area, tassel weight and consequence grain yield. No significant interaction between irrigation and cultivar indicated that S704 was superior cultivar in both well and limit water conditions. It is, therefore, essential to provide sufficient water during grain filling stage in order to prevent yield loss in maize cultivars.


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