Restoration of forest landscapes and contribution of local species to the resilience of ecosystems in reforestation in the Kouibly department in Côte d’Ivoire

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Research Paper 06/10/2024
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Restoration of forest landscapes and contribution of local species to the resilience of ecosystems in reforestation in the Kouibly department in Côte d’Ivoire

Gnagbo Anthelme, Egnankou Wadja Mathieu, Koffi Adjoua Bénédicte, Adou Yao Constant Yves
Int. J. Biosci.25( 4), 105-112, October 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The restoration of forest landscapes is a response to forest degradation caused by deforestation, excessive logging, fires and climate change. Ecological restoration then becomes an essential complement to the conservation of ecosystems. In Côte d’Ivoire, land pressures and population migrations in the central-western region have fragmented the last forests. This degradation threatens the integrity of ecosystems, reducing agricultural yields and increasing the vulnerability of farming families. To restore this local biodiversity, this study proposes a reforestation policy aimed at recreating habitats to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems. In the villages studied, plants were distributed to farmers for planting. Plant monitoring includes georeferencing and recording plant vigor and heights quarterly. Over the entire study, 27 farmers made 192.24 hectares available for reforestation. Terminalia ivorensis and Terminalia superba have the highest survival rates, followed by Irvingia gabonensis. Low survival rates of some species, such as Ricinodendron heudelotii, are due to unfavorable climatic and phytosanitary conditions. The fastest growth is observed in Irvingia gabonensis and Ricinodendron heudelotii. Reforestation policies must favor the most resilient, locally adapted species, then include phytosanitary measures for vulnerable species. Permanent monitoring is essential in order to adjust management practices according to observations, health, and climatic conditions.


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