Results of fodder and semi-sugar beet breeding in Bulgaria

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Results of fodder and semi-sugar beet breeding in Bulgaria

Georgi Kikindonov, Tzvetan Kikindonov
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 3), 132-138, March 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


They have been discussed the results of tests of fodder beet origins and their semi-sugar beet hybrids, carried out in 2003-2013. The character of inheritance of the quantitative traits root yield and dry matter content has been established. The variability of the parental characteristics and the differences in the agroclimatic conditions during the vegetation affect the degree of heterosis manifestation in the semi-sugar beet hybrids. Various high productivity fodder beet origins are available, which do not fall back the already certified commercial varieties. Their heritage factors dominate in their hybrids with male sterile sugar beet lines. All the semi-sugar beet hybrids realize proven heterosis in the dry matter yield from a unit of area, no matter the climatic conditions of the vegetation, and meet the requirements of the modern intensive technologies of growing.


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