Revision of caryophyllidean cestodes from catfishes of Bangladesh

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Revision of caryophyllidean cestodes from catfishes of Bangladesh

Mousumi Sarker Chhanda, Kirtunia Juran Chandra
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 166-180, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


In Bangladesh all caryophyllidean cestodes so far described were recorded from different catfishes only and reported to occur various parasitic disease problem and result poor growth rate and reduction of total fish production. But still there is no valid list of caryophyllidean cestodes in Bangladesh that infects our culture system. This work is much important for the further study in this field and act as basis for future work on parasitology. Revision of caryophyllidean cestodes parasitic in important catfishes like walking catfish- Clarias batrachus (Linn.), stinging catfish- Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch), pabda catfish-Ompok pabda (Ham.) and Garua bacha-Clupisoma garua (Ham.) was carried out. The work was based on several newly collected specimens as well as previously described specimens from Bangladesh catfishes. To make this revision few hundred caryophyllidean cestodes were collected from Clarias batrachus and Heteropneustes fossilis from Mymensingh and other districts of Bangladesh. The parasites were isolated from the host intestine and prepared very carefully for their morphological study. Related literatures were collected from different journals on caryophyllidean cestode parasites of Bangladesh. Several theses submitted for degrees in different universities of Bangladesh were also consulted.  In spite of a number of species described sporadically by different authors only eight species belonging to five genera of caryophyllidean cestodes are considered to be valid. The recognized species are- Djombangia penetrans, Lytocestoides pabdai, Bovienia serialis, Lytocestus birmanicusLytocestus indicus, Lytocestus parvulus, Pseudocaryophyllaeus indica and  Pseudocaryphyllaeus heteropneustus. It is hoped that this revision will act as a basis for future work on fish parasite and help workers to clear the existing confusion.


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