Revitalization on local wisdom of Wetu Teli community in forest management of Bayan, Nrth Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

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Revitalization on local wisdom of Wetu Teli community in forest management of Bayan, Nrth Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

Edi Muhamad Jayadi, Soemarno, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Mangku Purnomo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 384-397, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Participation of Wetu Telu Community in indigenous forests management of Bayan, proved success maintains the forests. It implied in the success of Bayan Area as: 1) the largest number of indigenous forests; 2) the largest indigenous forest; 3) the least loss of indigenous forest in North Lombok; 4) First Winner on Permata competition, 2011. This is due to the local wisdom-based management via application of awig-awig. This study purposed to assess the revitalization efforts on local wisdom of Wetu Telu Community in the management of community forests in Bayan District – Bayan and Karang Bajo village. Of the two selected villages, we choose four sub-villages by purposive sampling. Key informants are Wetu Telu elders, bureaucrats, NGOs and religious leaders, selected via snowball sampling. Data collection was carried out with observation, interviews, documentation, and then analyzed descriptively. Measured variables were revitalization of local wisdom, which consists of institutionalization, reinforcement, and empowerment. The results show that: 1) practitioner of indigenous civilizing activity only from families, communities, and traditional institutions; 2) cooperation between customary institutions of Bayan with stakeholders, new private sector, with NGOs, incorporated company, and government still has not been built; 3) an increasing participation of indigenous people by traditional institutions in forest management after the reformation era, yet still local people is positioned as indigenous forest management object by the government; 4) government policies that do not concern the fulfillment of the basic rights of indigenous peoples is the greatest threat in the management of community forests in Bayan.


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