Rice blast disease occurrence on rice cultivars grown in high and middle altitudes agro-ecologies of Burundi

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Research Paper 06/12/2022
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Rice blast disease occurrence on rice cultivars grown in high and middle altitudes agro-ecologies of Burundi

Niyonkuru Estella, Madege Raphael Richard, Bigirimana Joseph, Habarugira Georges
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.21( 6), 28-39, December 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Rice blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae is the major damaging disease in nearly all rice-growing nations. Incidence and severity of rice blast disease were recorded and analyzed, in a triplicated randomized Complete Block experiment implemented in high altitude (HA) and middle altitude (MA) agro-ecologies. High significant difference between agro-ecologies (p=0.000) were observed in rice blast disease incidence and severity. High altitude region had the higher disease incidence (68.68%) and severity (77.53%), than the disease incidence (3.42%) and severity (20.74%) recorded in Middle region. Significant differences were observed between the location and cultivar for leaf blast incidence (p=0.024) and severity (p =0.030) at the booting stage. Rice blast disease incidence and severity on cultivars were statistically significantly different (p<0.05) at different growth stages, except for the severity at the dough stage in the Middle region. The incidence varied from 2.49 to 9.67% and the severity from 11.11 to 33.33% at the tilling stage; varied from 3.07 to 9.83% for incidence and severity from 11.11 to 48.155% at the booting stage and incidence varied from 0.49 to 1.68% the dough stage. In high altitude, rice blast incidence (74.12-90.89%) and severity (48.15-100%) were statistically significant respectively at the booting stage and dough stage. The Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) showed that the disease progress in all cultivars increased exponentially from tillering to the booting stage, but at the dough stage the disease progress in some cultivars maintained increment while plateaued others.


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