Role of empathy, prior experience and self-efficacy on entrepreneurship intention

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Role of empathy, prior experience and self-efficacy on entrepreneurship intention

Suchana Akhter
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 424-430, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The intend of the article is checking the magnitude of entrepreneurship intention. It examines the impact empathy, prior experience and self-efficacy on the intention of entrepreneur and whether relationship among the forecasted variable and the intention differ from other. Data were collected from 50 MBA students of Rangamati Science and Technology University (RMSTU) through a questionnaire-based survey. There were developed 4 research questions and 3 Hypothesis for the study. Data Analysis is done by applying Cronbach’s Alpha, Multiple Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Correlation Analysis is used to test the hypothesis. Total three independent variables- empathy, prior experience; self-efficacy was tested to measure their effect on entrepreneurial intention. Result proved that among all the independent variables are positively associated with entrepreneurial intention, but prior experience and self-efficacy impacts significantly on entrepreneurial intention. Present study mainly examines whether the three independent variable impact on the intention of entrepreneur and to what extent the variable significantly influence the intention their relationship.


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