Role Of Resin Infiltration for Enamel Development Defects and White Spot Lesions. A Systematic Review

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Review Paper 04/12/2022
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Role Of Resin Infiltration for Enamel Development Defects and White Spot Lesions. A Systematic Review

Waleed Asiri
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 59-65, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Resin infiltration is one of the most advanced techniques used for the treatment of white spot lesions of enamel. In this technique, infiltration is performed through the application of resin to smooth surfaces of demineralized enamel. The objectives of this systematic review focused on resin infiltration for the treatment of enamel discolorations and white spot lesions. Data were searched from January 2000 to October 2022 by using keywords resin infiltration, white spot lesions, and enamel discoloration from PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Science Direct/Scopus, BMC, and Nature platforms. After screening duplicates and careful evaluation, only seven articles were selected to explore resin infiltration to treat enamel discolorations and white spot lesions. Although; the application of resin showed high efficacy in treating dental enamel defects and actively growing enamel lesions. Resin infiltration also reduces the demineralization cycle. It has been concluded that resin infiltration is an emerging technology; however, clinical evidence and trials lack the role of resin infiltration, and there is an urgent need for large-scale studies with a larger sample size with regular follow-up that explores the role of resin infiltration in dental therapy.


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