Root knot nematodes associated with eggplant in different localities of District Sargodha-Pakistan and impact of Pasteuria isolates on development of Meloidogyne incognita

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Root knot nematodes associated with eggplant in different localities of District Sargodha-Pakistan and impact of Pasteuria isolates on development of Meloidogyne incognita

Naila Zeerak, Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Kamran, Yasir Iftikhar, Muhammad Arshad, Huma Abbas, Nazir Javed, Sonum Bashir, Abdul Rehman
Int. J. Biosci.11( 4), 107-115, October 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are sedentary, obligate parasites and considered a major pest of vegetables all over the world. A systematic survey was conducted to get a reliable estimate of nematode and their level of infestation in the field of eggplant plantation located in major vegetable production areas of district Sargodha. 150 soil and root samples were collected from 15 different localities. Nematode population in 10g of roots and 100 cm3 of soil samples were determined by White Head and Hemming Tray method. Maximum population of nematode in case of root samples was found in Dharema (515) and lower population was found in Chak 103 (91). In case of soil samples maximum population of RKN was recorded in Chak 50 (454.33) and lower population of nematode was found in Chak 103 (69). The incidence of infestation was also assessed. Pot studies were carried out in green house (25 ± 2oC) to manage RKN by using two Pasteuria isolates PP-J and PP-3. The influence of different levels of endospore of each Pasteuria isolate was determined on root invasion, development and population dynamics of M. incognita in eggplant. Data were recorded after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days on nematode developmental stages (vermiform, developing J2, swollen, sausage, adult female and egg mass). The results revealed that by increasing endospore level/J2, the nematode development stages decreased. As biological control agent, the use of P. penetrans especially PP-3 isolate against M. incognita can be the most effective and environment friendly.


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