Rooting response of white Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.) stem cuttings under three different conditions

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Research Paper 10/11/2023
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Rooting response of white Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.) stem cuttings under three different conditions

Dennis A. Apuan, Joevil C. Pepania, Mark Anthony M. Bactong, Angela Katrina M. Dongdong
Int. J. Biosci.23( 5), 152-157, November 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The need to produce a cheap alternative and farmer level technology in the production of clean planting materials of White Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) prompted the investigation on the rooting response of clones from stem cuttings of different age and number of nodes under different concentrations of synthetic plant hormone Alpha-Naphthalene Acetic Acid (ANAA). A zero generation (G0) mother plant was used as a source of clones to examine whether it could produce roots in a sterilized medium. In a replicated split-split plot experimental design with three factors such as the age of the mother plant, number of nodes and levels of growth regulator, we found that roots emerged from clones 18 days after planting in a sterilized river sand. Significant effect on rooting was influenced by the age of cuttings (p=0.0058), number of nodes (p=0.0058) and ANAA (p=<0.0001). Moreover, significant interactions were found among age of cuttings, number of nodes and ANAA concentrations on rooting (p=0.0044). Implications for the feasibility of mass producing clean planting materials from cloning G0 mother plant are discussed.


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