Salinity stress evaluation on nutrient uptake and chlorophyll sugarcane genotypes

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Salinity stress evaluation on nutrient uptake and chlorophyll sugarcane genotypes

Mahsa Mansoori, Mohammad Khayat, Aniseh Jorphi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 163-172, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study the effects of salinity levels of the irrigation water resulted from the sugarcane field drainage which contained mineral salt (Nacl), four salinity levels (0, 3, 6, 9 ds.m-1) and sugarcane genotypes (C4, C5, C3, CP48-103, C2, CP57-614, CP69-1062) in a potted plant were examined. It was a factorial experiment in randomized complete block design with three replications which was carried out in research center of Amirkabir sugarcane industrial company located in 45 km south of Ahvaz in 2011. Results indicated that as the salinity stress increased, chlorophyll concentration relatively decreased in all genotypes, but the rate of decrease in CP69-1062, C4, C5 genotypes was less than other genotypes. Chlorine and sodium content in the leaves of genotypes tolerant of C4 and C5 decreased as the salinity increased which indicates the genetic ability of these genotypes in preventing the toxic ion of chlorine from entering the plant. CP69-1062 genotype in comparison to CP48-103 and CP57-614 genotypes has the lowest rate of sodium in leaves and owns genetic potential in preventing sodium ion from entering the plant.


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