Scenario for parasitic infestation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in Oubeїra Lake (northeastern Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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Scenario for parasitic infestation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in Oubeїra Lake (northeastern Algeria)

Mardja Tahri, Saber Belhaoues, Nadir Nouara, Imen Ladjama, Amina Tania Dahel, Nawel Djabbari, Mourad Bensouilah, Mohammed Ramdani, Roger FLower
Int. J. Biosci.11( 3), 10-19, September 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This work describes the parasitic fauna of the European eel living in Oubeïra Lake (Northeastern of Algeria), with a special focus to the temporal dynamic of the parasites –never approached previously. A total of 450 specimens of European eel Anguillaanguilla L. 1758, were sampled during 3 years (between November, 2010 and April, 2012) in Oubeїra Lake (Park national of El Kala, Northeastern of Algeria). The environmental parameters were measured in situ. The biometric characters of fish (length, weight, horizontal and vertical diameters of the eyes and the length of the pectoral fin) were taken, prior to dissection. Species identification was done when possible and classical epidemiological parameters were calculated. The total macroparasite richness was 6 species: 2 Crustacean; 1 Monogenea, 1 Cestoda and 2 Nematoda. According to the epidemiological index, E. gibbus was the most common (83.40±14.9%), followed by both nematodes (50% of the captured fish). Our assessment of the EELREP Silvering index revealed that 95.78% were females, of which more than 50% were silvered and these sheltered the most parasites. The prevalence of three species (monogenean, cestode and copepod) is significantly different in the same month between years. Significant positive relationships between A. crassus, B. claviceps and Pseudodactylogyrus sp. abundance were observed.


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