Screening an antifungal efficacy of indigenous bacteria from rhizosphere of Periploca apylla

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Screening an antifungal efficacy of indigenous bacteria from rhizosphere of Periploca apylla

Qais Ahmad Naseer, Kalsoom, Johar Jamil, Haji Khan, Fazal Jalil
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 351-359, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The Periploca aphylla is an important medicinal plant helps in surmounting constipation and curing swollen joints. Bacterial isolates were screened from rhizosphere of Periploca apylla for antifungal efficacy against Alternara pane, Colletotrichum cocealesx, and Rhizocotina solani, Gogdara Hill-Odigram, Swat Pakistan. Isolates were cultured on nutrient agar and identified through gram staining and biochemical tests. Lipolytic activity, salinity, temperature ranges, antibiotic sensitivity and antifungal efficacy were also studied. The results of cultural and morphological study revealed that all bacterial isolates were gram negative except PaS2. Biochemical analysis showed that all Isolates were positive for Ortho-Nitro Phenyl-ß-D-Galacto-pyranosidase, glucose fermentation, arabinose fermentation, ornithine Decarboxylase, citrate utilization and negative for lysine decarboxylase, H2S production, urease production and indole production (IND) test. Based on result of cultural and biochemical analysis PaS1 was classified under the genus of Phenylobacterium, PaS2, PaS3 and PaS4 were suspected to be Bacillus lentus, Entrerobacter aerogene and Aeromonas caviae respectively. All strains were able to tolerate different salt concentration ( 3%, 1%, 0.5%) except PaS1 which showed growth at 0.5 %, whereas maximum growth for all isolates were observed at 30°C to 37°C.The bacterial isolates sensitive to different concentrations of ampicillin, kanamycin and streptomycin. Antifungal efficacy indicated that all fungal strains were resistant to PaS3 and sensitive to PaS4, whereas only Alternara panex were sensitive to PaS1 and PaS2. It is concluded that PaS4, PaS1 and PaS2 can be used as a bioinoculant against fungal pathogens. The findings will be helpful for the production of useful antifungal substances at commercial level.


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