Screening extracts of Asystasia vogeliana Benth. for anti-inflammatory potentials

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Research Paper 15/12/2023
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Screening extracts of Asystasia vogeliana Benth. for anti-inflammatory potentials

Godwin Anyim, I. A. Oyemitan, M. A. Aderogba, B. A. Akinpelu
Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed.17( 3), 13-25, December 2023.
Certificate: IJBB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study screened different parts of Asystasia  vogeliana for anti-inflammatory potentials. Fresh A. vogeliana leaf, stem, and aerial parts were separately air-dried, pulverised, and extracted in 80% methanol (MeOH) for 72 hrs. Filtrates were separately concentrated to produce leaf, stem, and aerial extracts, respectively. Acute oral toxicity was determined on the leaf and stem extracts using OECD method. Then, extracts were screened for in vivo anti-inflammatory potentials via egg albumin-induced paw oedema model. The powdered leaf part was extracted with dichloromethane (DCM) and ethyl acetate (EtOAc) for 72 hrs and processed to produce DCM and EtOAc leaf extracts. Then, MeOH, DCM, and EtOAc leaf extracts were screened for in vitro anti-inflammatory activities via bovine erythrocyte membrane stabilisation, anti-denaturant, anti-tryptic, and nitric oxide scavenging assays. No mortality or sign of toxicity was observed at 2000 mg/kg. Compared with the untreated negative control, the various parts of A. vogeliana demonstrated ¬in vivo anti-inflammatory activities by reducing the paw oedema size at different time intervals. Most significant anti-inflammatory activity was obtained with the aerial extract. DCM leaf extract demonstrated the highest erythrocyte membrane stabilization (85.46±0.01%), anti-denaturant (89.52±0.01%), and NO scavenging (IC50 6.77±0.94 mg/ml) activities. MeOH leaf extract showed least in vitro anti-inflammatory activity. The study concludes that the stem and aerial parts of A. vogeliana are also a good source of anti-inflammatory compounds, in addition to the leaf part. No toxic effect was observed at 2000 mg/kg. Therefore, our findings substantiate the conventional use of A. vogeliana leaves as remedy for inflammatory-related conditions.

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