Screening for obesity and dyslipidaemia in children and young adults residing in rural and urban communities in Kassena Nankana District, Ghana

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Screening for obesity and dyslipidaemia in children and young adults residing in rural and urban communities in Kassena Nankana District, Ghana

Samuel Sunyazi Sunwiale, Kwabena Nsiah, Abdulai Adam Forgor
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 442-450, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Obesity and dyslipidaemia have been found among the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Although they are considered problems associated with adults, there have been a sudden rise in the prevalence of the risk factors in children and also in developing countries. It is therefore imperative for early detection of these factors to prevent their accompanying co morbidities. In studying 305 children and young adults of 5 to 20 years, 147 (47.2%) were males and females were 158 (51.8%). Overweight and obesity was found to be 7.8% and 2.0% respectively in the study subjects, where more females were overweight and obese combined than the males. Children and young adults from urban communities were more overweight and obese combined than their rural counterparts. Hypercholesterolaemia was 9.8% of the study subjects and a gradual rise of cholesterol was found among the age groups in the female whiles observing the reverse in the males. Low HDL-C was higher (29.8%) in the subjects where it was rather rampant in the rural subjects than their urban colleagues and 10.8% of subjects had high levels of LDL-C, it was commoner in the urban dweller especially the females. There is an indication of the presence of obesity and dyslipidaemia in children and young adults, which occurs more in urban than rural populations as well as in females than in males. It therefore calls for enhancement of favourable lifestyles to reduce their occurrence in adulthood.

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