Screening of several sorghum genotypes on acid soil tolerance
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Screening of several sorghum genotypes on acid soil tolerance
Genotypes with contrasting tolerance level to acid soil is very important as genetic source in breeding activity. This study was aimed to obtain sorghum genotypes that tolerant and sensitive to acid soil. This study was conducted in Bagoang Village, Jasinga, Bogor District, from March to August 2012. A randomized completely block design was used as experimental design. Seven sorghum genotypes that were used in this study included 4 sorghum lines of [ICRISAT] collection (150-21-A, 5-193-C, 10-90-A, 150-20-A), 1 local sorghum (WHP), and 2 national varieties (Numbu, UPCA). Numbu is a known as an acid soil tolerant variety and was used as positive control. Our results showed that WHP genotype had significantly higher plant height and panicle length, and similar number of leaves, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, and yield that of Numbu. In contrast, 150-20-A genotypes had significantly lower plant height, number of leaves, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, and shorter panicle than that of WHP genotype. It can be concluded that from agronomy caracter of the seven sorghum genotypes used in this study, WHP and Numbu could be classified as acid soil tolerant genotypes while 150-21-A and UPCA genotypes were sensitive to acid soil. Biplot analysis showed genotypes x caracter, shoot fresh weigh caracter and root fresh weight caracter were classified determinant caracter different response to acid soil stress.
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Tri Lestari, Didy Sopandie, Trikoesoemaningtyas, SinthoWahyuning Ardie (2014), Screening of several sorghum genotypes on acid soil tolerance; IJAAR, V5, N5, November, P170-176
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