Screening of sugarcane new varieties for agro-technological characters and resistance to Eldana saccharina W in Burkina Faso

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Screening of sugarcane new varieties for agro-technological characters and resistance to Eldana saccharina W in Burkina Faso

Adama Zongo, Parfait Traore, Lambiénou Ye, Abdourahamane Bado and Mahamadou Sawadogo
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 124-134, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Burkinabè sugar industry has a low production level, capped at 30,000 tones. The aim of    this study was to investigate new sugarcane varieties for agro-technological performance and susceptibility to Eldana saccharina. Experimentation was carried out following a Fischer block design with six replications. A total of 14 varieties were evaluated, including 5 check varieties and 09 new varieties. Data were collected to assess agronomic traits (stem diameter, stem length, flowering to maturity rate, cane and sugar yields), technological traits (brix, purity rate, fiber rate and extractable sugar) and the rate of internodes attacked by Eldana saccharina. The new variety BR04005 recorded a flowering to maturity rate of 38.83%. As for susceptibility to Eldana saccharina, the check variety CO997 recorded a low attack rate of 1.94%, followed    by new variety BR04005 with 2.72%. In terms of technological quality, the new R580 variety achieved the best Brix levels at 23.06%, juice purity at 91.67%, extractable sugar at 14.36% and fiber content at 12.27%. This variety can be used to increase sugarcane production.

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