Screening of Wheat (Triticum durum) for drought tolerance in semiarid conditions

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Screening of Wheat (Triticum durum) for drought tolerance in semiarid conditions

N. Semcheddinne, A. Guendouz, A. Oulmi, M. Hafsi
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 166-178, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Drought is one of the most important abiotic factors that limit wheat yield around the world. The objectives of this study were performed to assess the usefulness of various indices in identifying durum wheat genotypes tolerant to drought and to determine stable genotype for grain yield. Ten durum wheat genotypes were evaluated under rain-fed and irrigated conditions. The study was repeated at 3 locations around high plains of Algeria, in order to generate 8 different environments. Regression coefficient (bi) and seven drought tolerance indices which comprised: mean productivity (MP), tolerance index (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress susceptibility index (SSI), harmonic mean (HMP), yield stability index (YSI) and stress tolerance index (STI) were applied. There was significant variation for grain yield among both genotypes and environments and a very strong interaction genotype x environment. Water stress reduced the yield potential by 65%. Highly significant genotypic effect was observed for: STI, MP, GMP and TOL. These indices were significantly and positively correlated with grain yield in both stress and non stress condition, which suggest using them as effective criteria for screening drought tolerance genotypes. The typological study identified Bousselem, Hoggar and Mexicali as performing and tolerant compared to Oued Zenati and Polonicum, less productive and more susceptible to stress. Dukem, Waha and Altar genotypes are moderately tolerant and have above-average performance. The study of the stability and the performance of the grain yields made it possible to distinguish Bousselem and Waha as stable and efficient genotypes regardless of the environment.


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