Seagrass community structure in Maribojoc Bay, Bohol, Philippines

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Research Paper 07/02/2024
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Seagrass community structure in Maribojoc Bay, Bohol, Philippines

Honey Jane C. Mascariñas
Int. J. Biosci.24( 2), 120-132, February 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Seagrasses are an integral part of coastal and marine biodiversity. However, their existence and ecological functions are likely unfamiliar to many. The study area has no previous seagrass assessment. Eight sampling sites were surveyed in the coastal areas of Maribojoc Bay to investigate the status of seagrass among stations as well as between MPAs and non-MPAs. The study used a standardized field sampling design with three parallel, fixed transects of 50 meters. Seven species of seagrass were found, with Thalassia hemprichii being the most prevalent (52.79%) and Halodule pinifolia being the species that appears least frequently. The highest seagrass cover was observed in Brgy. Dipatlong, Maribojoc (non-MPA), while the lowest percentage cover was observed in Brgy. Ubujan, Tagbilaran (non-MPA). Only the two sites in Dauis showed a significant difference (>0.05) between an MPA and a non-MPA. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the percentage cover of seagrass species among sampling stations. Seagrass percentage cover ranged from 17.45% (poor) to 60% (good). Overall, the seagrass community structure in Maribojoc Bay revealed sparse distribution, “fair” seagrass condition (38.65%), high dominance (2.98), low evenness (0.72), and low diversity (H’ = 1.40). The findings of this study can be used as a basis for improving the existing coastal management and promote the preservation of seagrass ecosystems.


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