Seagrass mapping and assessment using remote sensing in the Municipality of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Philippine

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Seagrass mapping and assessment using remote sensing in the Municipality of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Philippine

Aileen Faith S. Redondo, Karyl Marie F. Dagoc, Maria Teresa T. Ignacio, Rafael Ryno G. Sanchez, Annielyn D. Tampus
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 74-88, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Field base in situ sampling is the traditional way to assess sea grass meadows, but it is time consuming and expensive. At present alternative methods for assessing sea grass is through airborne or satellite based sensors. Softwares such as Arcmap and ENVI were used to further enhance the quality of the distribution of resources. These alternative methods produce cost effective and repetitive sources on seagrass distribution over wide areas in a shorter time. This paper conducted a research study on seagrass mapping and assessment in Kauswagan Lanao del Norte. Based from the map the municipality had wide seagrass meadows and wide intertidal area. The total area of resources mapped for Kauswagan is 199 hectares with seagrass area of 183 hectares. The accuracy of the map was 90%. The accuracy is enough to justify the distribution of the resources mapped.   A total of six (6) species of sea grass were identified in Brangay Tacub, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte. The most abundant seagrass in terms of cover and density is the species Thallasia hemprichii with a percent cover 79% and shoot density of 1021 shoots/m2 . Seagrass condition was based on Fortes’ criteria; seagrass in barangay Tacub was considered good despite the anthropogenic pressures present in the areas such as pollution, the effects of gleaning and the presence of a coal powered plant. All values for diversity show moderate diversity (H’=1.33-1.54), high eveness (E= 0.70) and low dominance values (D= 0.30 ) indicating well-distributed species and no dominant species.


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