Seasonal and annual variation of aquatic beetles abundance in different wetlands of Manipur

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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Seasonal and annual variation of aquatic beetles abundance in different wetlands of Manipur

M. Bhubaneshwari Devi, O. Sandhyarani Devi, Leiphon Wanghengbam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 4), 286-298, October 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The studies aimed to record the seasonal influence in occurrence and abundance of aquatic beetles (Order- Coleoptera) in different wetlands of Manipur. The wetlands were visited monthly from September 2007 to August 2008 to sample aquatic insects using D-pond nets. The research was conducted at 9 wetlands in 9 districts of Manipur during pre-monsoon (March to May) 2015, monsoon (June to August) 2015, Post monsoon (September to November 2015) and winter (December to February) 2015- 2016. The data on the physical factors of each location sites were recorded at the time of collection of water beetles. A total of 55 water beetles species were recorded belonging to order Coleoptera under 11 families viz. Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Hydrophilidae Curculionidae, Hydrochidae, Haliplidae, Staphylinidae, Scirtidae, Dryopidae and Hydraneidae during the study period.

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