Seasonal distribution and diversity of aquatic avifauna at lentic ecosystem of Kollegala, southern Karnataka, India

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Research Paper 09/08/2024
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Seasonal distribution and diversity of aquatic avifauna at lentic ecosystem of Kollegala, southern Karnataka, India

S. V. Sathish, S. Basavarajappa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 2), 190-202, August 2024.
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Seasonal distribution and diversity of aquatic bird species at Chikkaranganatha, Doddaranganatha, Kongala, Papanakere and Dhanagere Lakes of Kollegala of Chamarajanagar District of Karnataka was conducted during 2016 to 2018. Around 43 bird species which belong to 15 families of the eight orders were recorded at different Lakes during summer, rainy and winter seasons. Amongst aquatic bird species, Pelecaniformes were more predominant and represented by 12 species and it was followed by Charadriiformes (10 species), Anseriiformes (8 species) and Ciconiiformes (4 species). Aquatic bird’s dominance was 0.206, 0.209 and 0.201 respectively during summer, rainy and winter seasons. The Simpson index was ranged in between 0.791 to 0.794, the Shannon diversity index ranged between 1.586 to 1.607 and the Fisher alpha value ranged between 1.002 and 1.211 at various Lakes of Kollegala during different seasons. Moreover, Shannon ‘J’ (Equitability) and Evenness indices were more than 0.9. Further, Fisher alpha value was ranged between 1.002 and 1.211 during summer and winter seasons. Thus, Lakes of Kollegal have shown specificity with their aquatic bird species composition and exhibited uniqueness by hosting different bird species with varied population size. Lakes are ideal habitats for various aquatic birds, which offer food, shelter and breeding ground to have safe survival during different seasons. Hence, Lakes located at towns/rural areas should be preserved to save local biodiversity.

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