Seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters in relation to algal nutrient enrichment at Tarbela dam, Pakistan

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Seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters in relation to algal nutrient enrichment at Tarbela dam, Pakistan

Lubna Iqbal, Naureen Aurangzeb, Abdullah Khan, Salman Khan, Sobia Nisa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 335-342, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Current industrial and agricultural activities are resulting in discharge of effluents into the water bodies that significantly contribute to water pollution and related problems. Indus River is the major river of Pakistan. Present study was conducted at selected sites (upstream and downstream) of Tarbela Dam to check the status of nutrients. Various physicochemical and biological parameters were analyzed both in summer and winter season to find out nutrient status and its seasonal variation. In summer season average values observed for various parameters were temperature 26.8˚C, pH 8, TDS 174.2mg/l, TSS 26.8mg/l, DO 3.5mg/l, NO3 1.4mg/l, PO4 0.18mg/l, BOD5 31.1mg/l, EC 249.16µS/cm, TH 152.5mg/l and TA 134.31mg/l. In winter season the average values observed were temperature 19.9˚C, pH 7.56, TDS 61mg/l, TSS 17.28mg/l, DO 3.18mg/l, NO3 0.47mg/l, PO4 0.02mg/l, BOD5 10mg/l, EC 118.16µS/cm, TH 102.6mg/l and TA 98mg/l. Large floating algal masses were seen as clear evidence of the river being enriched in nutrients. Study revealed presence of high concentration of nutrients in river, especially in summer season.

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