Sediments grain size analysis from the Eastern Makran coast line area, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/07/2016
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Sediments grain size analysis from the Eastern Makran coast line area, Pakistan

Syed Waseem Haider
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 1), 40-56, July 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The grain size analysis for the surficial sediment samples from Sur Bandar, Koh Mehdi, Ganz, Pishukan, Gwader and Jiwani area of Balochistan was carried out. Eighteen stations marked on the ground for the collection of sediment samples. A   3-Dimensional Mechanical Sieve shaker Octagon Digital shaker was selected for the grain size analysis. Probability paper prepared for cumulative frequency curve by plotting grain size (in phi scale) versus cumulative percent. Cumulative frequency curve used to obtain the phi value of the percentiles 5%, 16%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 84% and 95% from the plot. These phi values were used in calculation of some important statistical parameters just like mean, kurtosis, skewness and standard deviation. Graphic mean distribution of grain size for the analyzed sediments suggested that most of samples are very fine to fine grained sand with only two being medium grained sand. Standard deviation explain the sorting of the grain size of the sediment sample which are very well sorted to moderated sorted with few poorly sorted. Skwness showed that particle population are very fine skewed to very coarse skewed. The results of kurtosis explained that 11 % of sediment samples are in category of extremely Leptokuritc, 38.8 % are very Leptokurtic, 16.6% are Leptokuritc, 16.6 % are very Platykurtic and 11% are Mesokurtic. Physical characteristic of the samples shows that 91.3% to 100% are sand in the samples and 0 to 8.7 % are Silt/Clay.


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