Selected soil properties under different land uses at Fasha District, Southern Ethiopia

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Selected soil properties under different land uses at Fasha District, Southern Ethiopia

Mengistu Tumayro, Dereje Tesgaye
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 6), 38-47, June 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Land uses changes and agricultural activities (deforestation, cultivation and grazing) negatively affect soil qualities. This finding was initiated to evaluate soil properties under different of land uses. Nine composite soil samples were collected from three triplicated land uses (cultivated, grazing and forest lands) using auger at 0-150cm soil depth. The collected samples were analyzed using standard laboratory procedures and the data was subjected to statistical analysis software (SAS) for analysis. The result indicted the particle size distribution of the soils was clay, indicting similarity in parent materials. Soil parameters such as pH, OC, TN, AP, exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K and Na) and micro-nutrient cations (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) were significantly (P  0.05) lower in cultivated than adjacent land uses. While bulk density and available phosphorus were significantly (P  0.05) higher in cultivated soil than forest and grassland soils. This indicates that cultivated soils are poor in maintaining soil quality as compared to uncultivated soils. Therefore, integrated soil management practices such as conservative tillage, crop rotation, manures and residue addition are suggested for soils under cultivation.


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