Selection of novel upland cotton cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by investigating fiber quality and yield performance in multilocation trials of Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Selection of novel upland cotton cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by investigating fiber quality and yield performance in multilocation trials of Bangladesh

M. K. Hasan, J. Shopan, M. M. Rob, H. Rahman, A. K. Azad, M. M. A. Ali, J. Alam
Int. J. Biosci.9( 6), 177-186, December 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Variety selection is the first and perhaps most critical decision of cotton producers. To explore the novel upland cotton cultivar, the present experiment was established at four cotton research farms, located in Rangpur, Dinajpur, Jessore and Gazipur District of Bangladesh during the season-2013-14. Investigations for varietal selection were performed based on evaluating the yield and ginning characteristics of strains. Among the tested strains, seven were promising lines encoded BC-0405, BC-037, JA-054, BC-0188, BC-0236, VN-35 and BC-063. One crossed materials of CDB (Cotton Development Board) encoded was also included, where CB-9, CB-10 and CB-11 were taken as local control. Interestingly, significant differences were obtained among the tested materials for different yield contributing individuals at different locations. Moreover, in combination of four locations data also showed major difference for the trait of number of vegetative braches per plant and node number of first sympodia. The highest amount of seed cotton yield was produced by JA/54 (2046kg/ha) which was followed by BC-037(2041kg/ha) cultivar and the lowest yield obtained from BC-0188 (1684kg/ha). They also produced high amount of lint, their GOT (Ginning out turn) % was moderately high and lint characteristics was medium. Surprisingly these two cultivars also showed well performance in all the locations, which indicates its wider environmental adaptability.


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