Sensitivity and specificity of direct and concentrated smear microscopy using culture and PCR based on IS6110 analysis for the detection of acid-fast Bacilli in suspected and having pulmonary tuberculosis

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Research Paper 01/08/2012
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Sensitivity and specificity of direct and concentrated smear microscopy using culture and PCR based on IS6110 analysis for the detection of acid-fast Bacilli in suspected and having pulmonary tuberculosis

Md. Raihan Chowdhury, Kazi Saiful Islam, AGM Rakibuzzaman, Sadia Afrin, Md. Sarowar Jahan
Int. J. Biosci.2( 8), 67-75, August 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Sensitivity and specificity of direct and concentrated AFB smear microscopy has been investigated by PCR analysis and culture methods to determine a rapid and cheap detection of pulmonary tuberculosis. In this study 305 patients were selected and 915 specimens were collected from suspected and hospital admitted patients. Patients were taken from Dhaka Central Jail Hospital and National TB Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. All samples were smeared and Ziehl-Neelsen method and Lowenstein-Jensen (L-J) method were applied. PCR analysis and culture method was used to confirm the detection. Isolated DNA was used in PCR analysis. In this detection study PCR based IS6110 analysis was developed to identify the pulmonary tuberculosis rapidly and cheaply. A total of 915 samples were prepared for analysis and found 70.47% and 82.85% sensitivity in direct and concentrated smears respectively. Both type of smears (direct and concentrated) showed 100% sensitivity and specificity in culture and PCR IS6110 analysis. Since the direct and concentrated smears with the developed method of PCR IS6110 analysis showed significant detection, so that the proposed method was suggested for the detection analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pulmonary for the developing and poor countries.


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