Seroprevalence of caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection in goats from three districts of Cagayan, Philippines using nested PCR

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Seroprevalence of caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection in goats from three districts of Cagayan, Philippines using nested PCR

Joshua Vir T. Zulueta, Roel T. Calagui
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 138-144, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus (CAEV) is poorly documented in the Philipines and is considered an emerging and re-emerging disease. With the increased and unmonitored importation of goats by the private sector, there is limited data on the prevalence of CAEV in the caprine populations in the Cagayan Valley Region. This study aimed to detect the presence of caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus (CAEV) from selected farms in the three districts of Cagayan Province, Philippines for baseline data.  A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed since this is highly specific for demonstrating infection positivity. A total of 285 serum samples were randomly taken from goats of varying ages, sexes, and breeds. Based on the results CAE virus infection is confirmed to be present in the area as substantiated by 5.26 % overall prevalence among the samples surveyed. However, the overall chi-square test signified that there is no statistically significant difference in infection rates across the three districts of Cagayan Province (p-value= 0.132).


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