Serum adiponectin predicts cardiovascular fitness in none-trained men

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Research Paper 01/02/2011
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Serum adiponectin predicts cardiovascular fitness in none-trained men

Eizadi Mojtaba , Khorshidi Davood, Dooaly Hussein, Samarikhalaj Hamidreza
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 1), 66-77, February 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Accumulating evidence indicates that obesity and overweight are associated with systemic inflammation and low cardiovascular fitness. Although the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the relation between systemic inflammation and cardiovascular fitness are not fully understood. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the relationship between fasting serum adiponectin as an antiinflammatory cytokine with maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) or heart rate as two physiological markers of cardiovascular fitness in 38 sedentary healthy adult overweight or obese men (Aged 36 to 46 years, body mass index = 30 ± 6 kg/m2). Pearson correlations were used to establish the relationship between adiponectin concentrations with other variables on obese subjects. Serum adiponectin was highly negative associated with VO2max (r=0.54, p=0.000). Serum adiponectin concentrations were also independently associated with resting heart rate in studied subjects (r = 0.52, p = 0.000). On the basis of these observational findings, it can be assumed that systemic inflammation affect cardiovascular fitness in obese human.


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