Significant correlation of MMTV (Mouse mammary tumor virus) LTR gene with hormone receptor status in peripheral blood samples of breast cancer patients from North Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Significant correlation of MMTV (Mouse mammary tumor virus) LTR gene with hormone receptor status in peripheral blood samples of breast cancer patients from North Pakistan

Wasifa Naushad, Sana Ayub, Hajra Sadia
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 399-405, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV); a Beta retrovirus is the causative agent of mammary tumors in mice. Studies have suggested role of MMTV, as the contrasting factor that could cause Breast cancer in humans however, the exact mechanism of action is still to be explored. In this study, our aim was to investigate the association of MMTV-Ltr gene prevalence with hormone receptor status in breast cancer patients. A total of 50 peripheral blood samples of breast cancer patients were collected for this study. Detection of MMTV-Ltr sequences was done by end time PCR. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 16.0 software. Molecular analysis of blood samples revealed the prevalence of MMTV-Ltr gene sequences in 19 of 50 (38%). In the current study we report the presence of MMTV LTR sequences in blood samples of breast cancer patients and their significant correlation with hormone receptor status of the breast cancer disease. A significant (p ≤ 0.05) correlation was found between the Estrogen receptor, her2/neu status and metastasis of the breast cancer patients with presence of MMTV-Ltr gene. No significant correlation was found in case of progesterone receptors and MMTV-Ltr gene presence in breast cancer samples. Presence of MMTV-Ltr and its correlation with hormones receptor status revealed the etiological involvement of MMTV in breast cancer patients. These results strengthen the role of MMTV as a hormone responsive virus and its role in causing Hormone positive breast cancer.

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