Small intestine morphology evaluation of broiler chicken (Gallus domesticus) supplemented with lactic acid bacteria serum (LABS) and added with varying levels of probiotic through drinking water

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Small intestine morphology evaluation of broiler chicken (Gallus domesticus) supplemented with lactic acid bacteria serum (LABS) and added with varying levels of probiotic through drinking water

Niña Mae R. Villar, Rizza Mae Ceballos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 2), 102-110, August 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to evaluate the small intestine morphology of broiler chicken (Gallus domesticus). A total of 60-day-old chicks regardless of sex were randomly distributed into four dietary treatments and replicated three times. Birds were given feed and water ad libitum feeding throughout the rearing period. Treatments were introduced through supplementation in drinking water with the following levels of Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum and commercial probiotics with the following treatments: Treatment 1 = 15mL of LAB serum + 0mL probiotics + 1 liter water (control), Treatment 2 = 15mL of LAB serum + 5mL probiotics + 1 liter water, Treatment 3 = 15mL of LAB serum + 10mL probiotics +1 liter water and Treatment 4 = 15mL of LAB serum + 15mL probiotics +1 liter water. All the data were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance in Complete Randomized Design. Differences among the treatment means showed significant differences were compared using Least Significant Differences. Based on the statistical result, there were highly significant differences observed among treatments (p>0.01) on the villous height of the duodenum and jejunum and significant difference in ileum villous height of the three sections of small intestine with those receiving Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum and commercialized probiotic having taller villi. The appearance of absorptive cells and goblet cells did not show significant changes. In conclusion, the results indicated that the Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum and probiotic enhance the performance by improving nutrient metabolizable and digestive tract development.


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