Social impacts of small-scale mining activities in some communities in the East Akim Municipality of Ghana

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Social impacts of small-scale mining activities in some communities in the East Akim Municipality of Ghana

S. T. Annan, P. O. Sanful, B. Frimpong, G. Lartey-Young, R. K. Yandam, E. Ansah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 1), 57-64, July 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Investigations were conducted to assess the effects of small-scale (artisanal) gold mining and its socio-economic impacts on the people of Ghana. Three predominantly artisanal gold mining communities, namely in the East Akim municipality of Ghana were selected for the study. One hundred and sixty (160) respondents were randomly selected in households and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The result indicated that youth aged between 21-30 were more likely to participate in illegal mining operations. The influx of migrant workers has led to high cost of living more especially food prices and housing rents, dislocation of communities and distortions in cultural values. The study, revealed that farmlands had been destroyed affecting farming and food production. It is evident from the study that dug out pits from mining serves as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and death trap to humans. The study therefore accentuates the need for illegal small-scale gold mining to be formalised to enable close monitoring and ensure adherence to mining regulations. Furthermore, community members should be involved in policy making and environmental protection issues in order to help control the menace of landscape destruction.


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