Socio-demographic profile and baseline information on Freshwater Clam (Corbicula spp.) “Bennek” in Alcala, Cagayan Valley: Policy recommendation

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Research Paper 16/07/2023
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Socio-demographic profile and baseline information on Freshwater Clam (Corbicula spp.) “Bennek” in Alcala, Cagayan Valley: Policy recommendation

Lenimfa P. Molina, Salvador T. Miranda Jr., Eunice S. Daluddung, Simeon R. Rabanal Jr.
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 1), 153-162, July 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to acquire baseline data on the socio-economic profile of the Freshwater Clam “bennek” gatherers, their fishing techniques, conservational practices, and management plans in light of the increasing strain of development on biodiversity. This study used the descriptive-survey method of research. The bennek gatherers were discovered to be middle-aged, to have completed elementary and high school, to have two siblings living with them, and to have their fathers as the primary gatherers of their young. The gatherers had an average harvest of less than 5 gantas each day for 3–4 hours per day, 4-5 days per week, and use their own wooden boat and “Karadikad” as harvesting implement. Majority of bivalve gatherers earned less than 5000.00 pesos per month. Additionally, majority of bennek gatherers reside in concrete homes with electric lighting and deep wells for water source. In addition, the months of March through July are when the harvest is at its greatest. Most of the gatherers’ harvest is used for domestic consumption. Majority of gatherers appreciate the varied management strategies’ relevance. Quarrying and river siltation are two issues that the “bennek” gatherers frequently encounter. Policy recommendations were presented to the Local Government Unit of Alcala for a sustainable supply of Freshwater Clam locally known as bennek in the different study sites where this resource is thriving.


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