Socio-economic and biological conditions of Saif-ul-Malook National Park, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2013
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Socio-economic and biological conditions of Saif-ul-Malook National Park, Pakistan

Sher Shah, Khan Sher, Muzafar Shah, Ahmad Hussain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 3), 21-29, March 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The present study reveals socio-economic and biological condition of Saif-ul-Malook National Park, District Mansehra, Pakistan. Study was conducted during May to October, 2011. Questionnaire was developed for data collection based on socioeconomic and biological conditions. In socio-economic conditions gender, age, marital status, educational level, monthly income of the local people was discussed while in the second section biological condition include the flora and fauna of the parks and adjacent area. A total of 37 people interviewed, all of them were male in which 2 were >18 which makes 5.405%, 18 were 18-30 (48.64%), 10 were 31-40 (27.02%), 2 were 41-50 (5.405%), 5 were above 50 years (13.51%). 31 were married (86.48%), 5 were unmarried (13.51%), out of these 6 were literate having metric qualification (16.26%), while other were Illiterate 31 (83.78 %). 48.64% of the people occupation was rearing the cattle’s, 45.95% depend on agriculture. Monthly income was categorized into three categories (5000-10,000; 10,000-20,000; 20,000-30,000). 48.64% people have monthly income in between 5000-10,000, 45.94% have monthly between 10,000-20,000 and only 5.405% have monthly income 20,000-30,000. In flora of family Aliaceae, Utriceae Astraceae, Rosaeceae, Batsimaceae, Eqisitaceae, Poaceae, Saxifragaceae, Iridaceae, Pepleonaceae, Miomsaceae, Betulaceae was present while in fauna snow leopard, Himalayan ibex, musk deer, brown bear and Marmot are present. Due to more than 1500 visitors visit to the National Park per day during these days which produced an alarming situation for the wilderness of National Park.


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