Socio-economic component, coastal resource use and perception, and participation of coastal communities/fishing households in Caroan, Gonzaga, Cagayan

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Research Paper 04/02/2023
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Socio-economic component, coastal resource use and perception, and participation of coastal communities/fishing households in Caroan, Gonzaga, Cagayan

Gerlie B. Hardy, Froilan A. Pacris Jr., Marvin V. Baloloy
Int. J. Biosci.22( 2), 27-32, February 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Generally, the study identified and analyzed the socio-economic and ecological status of coastal communities of Barangay Caroan, Gonzaga, Cagayan, and their dependency on the faunal and floral resources of water. The study carried out an interview based on questionnaires and used descriptive survey research design. The results of the study discovered that most of the respondents have a low level of education and fishing is the main source of income. Fishing as a source of income states that Barangay Caroan is a coastal community. Fishing activities are also done to the estuary where mangrove trees thrive. Most of the respondents said that the benefits derived from the coastal environments are navigation, bathing/swimming, and transport, and recreation/relaxation. Nevertheless, due to anthropogenic and natural disturbances, today, benefits derived from the coastal area are very limited since there are changes observed in coastal resources specifically on the mangroves, volume of catch, and fishing ground location. Generally, this implies that full understanding of coastal resource use and perception, socio-economic characteristics, and participation of the community plays an important role in the coastal resource restoration and management plans. This database helps to understand the underlying causes of degradation and interventions needed in the community.


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