Soil carbon stock of climate smart agricultural practices along slope gradients in cultivated landscape of Bona Dibero, central Ethiopia: Implication for climate change mitigation

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Research Paper 03/01/2025
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Soil carbon stock of climate smart agricultural practices along slope gradients in cultivated landscape of Bona Dibero, central Ethiopia: Implication for climate change mitigation

Belayneh Bufebo, Yohannes Erkeno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 1), 46-56, January 2025.
Certificate: JBES 2025 [Generate Certificate]


Soils play a crucial role in regulating the global climate and are responsible for storing two-thirds of the world’s carbon. Evidence on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock is fundamental for mitigating climate change by addressing environmental degradation and enhancing ecological restoration. This study aimed to assess the impact of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices, implemented for varying durations and across different slope gradients, on bulk density, SOC percentage, and SOC stock (Mg ha⁻¹). The CSA practices examined were: (i) land with nine years of CSA practices, (ii) land with five years of CSA practices, (iii) land with two years of CSA practices and (iv) land without CSA practices (control), all under upper, middle, and lower slope gradients. Twenty-seven soil samples were collected from each CSA practice across the slope gradients at a depth of 0–30 cm, with nine replications. Additionally, undisturbed soil samples were taken using a core sampler to determine bulk density. A two-way ANOVA was used to analyze variations in bulk density (g cm⁻³), SOC percentage, and SOC stock (Mg ha⁻¹) among the slope gradients and CSA practices. A generalized linear model analysis was conducted to assess the influence of independent factors on the response variables. Treatment means were compared using the least significant difference (LSD) at a 0.05 significance level. The findings indicated that SOC stock (Mg ha⁻¹), bulk density (g cm⁻³), and SOC percentage were significantly influenced (p<0.001) by CSA practices. The highest mean values of SOC stock and SOC percentage were observed in the CSA practices with nine years of implementation and lower slope gradients, while the lowest values were found in soils from the control land and upper slope gradients. The results of this study revealed that the soil organic carbon stock was negatively influenced in land without CSA practice (control) and upper slope gradient and positively influenced by CSA practices with nine years duration of implementation and lower slope gradient. Soil under climate smart practices with duration of 9 years was found to be a good reservoir of carbon. This indicates the potential of the soil management (CSA) practices contributing to greenhouse gas reduction and climate change mitigation.   Therefore, implementing CSA practices that maintain adequate SOC stock is essential for optimizing climate change adaptation and mitigation.


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